A day at the office.
 With the first week complete of my internship, there is so much that has come with it. Most of the first week was spent developing my story about Cold Rush in a way that I can be proud of.  At first, I found it some what hard to get my thoughts out in a way that is appropriate for the newspaper. Although before long, it began to flow, and I was smacking away at my keys. I found it extremely fun writing, and listening through all the interviews I had collected. 
Once I would finish the draft I was working on, my mentor would revise it. We did this process until it was complete.  

Other than working on my story, I have also been doing other fruitful learning at The Herald. I have had the honor of sitting in at editor meetings. These are fun to attend because the discuss and decide what makes the paper the next day. It's neat to watch what the discussed in the meeting, then seeing it in the Herald the next day.
 My first day I shadowed Emery Cowan. Emery was doing an article about the FLC and Chamber of Commerce collaboration to create an site for students to find internships. It was very ironic that I was sitting in for this interview. They were talking about the importance of internships for students. It was a great way to set the tone for the rest of my internship! 
I also shadowed photographer Dave Bergelund.  I went on a morning photography assignment to the St. Columbia Church.  It was awesome learning from such a talented photographer. Dave taught me all sorts of interesting things I can do with my camera, and my i-phone. Yes i-phone. He showed me movies with stills and video that were all created with an i-phone (you would have never guessed).  During my time with Dave we also took my head shot that will be in my article. During that I learned all about how to shoot profile photographs and the lighting tricks that come along with it. 
Dave Bergelund's photograph
The next day, I shadowed Jordyn Dahl, the social media gal. It was a very interesting learning about the social media a behind The Herald.  Jordyn is actuality created that job, therefore she is the first one to have that position.  So for the afternoon I learned all that goes into updating The Herald's Twitter, Facebook, and blogs.  I am starting to realize just how essential that position is to businesses and large corporate companies in our tech-savy world.  
Finally on Friday morning I went with reporter Heather Scofield. Heather is a very experienced journalist who knows her stuff.  I was fun learning a thing or two from her. The interview was with county commissioner Bobby Lieb. Bobby and the rest of the commissioners have to hire a new planning director. Apparently this is a very 'sticky' job.  So the candidates  have to be carefully selected.  They were allowing the public to come to a 'meet and greet' to meet the candidates.  The interview was about the process they are going to go through to pick the new planning director.  

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